The sea turtle nesting season began in August and to date thousands of hatchlings have been released into the Bay.
However, there are still two months to go until the end of the season, as reported by Antonio Guillen in charge of the turtle camp in Boca de Tomates. It is important to mention that officially the turtle season begins in August and ends in December, tourists can participate in the release of turtles during this period following the instructions of biologists, who carry out this release process during the night to ensure that the hatchlings are not lost to predators that interrupt their return to the sea. It is definitely an unforgettable experience for the tourist to do this activity and live with this incredible marine species. It should be noted that the dolphin turtle is protected by law and the sale or consumption of turtle eggs is prohibited. Most of the conservation actions are led by associations and organizations that are in charge of watching and preserving this marine creature. Along 14 kilometers of coastline tourists can live this experience of releasing turtles. From June to December, Olive Ridley turtles sail in the open sea to return to the same coasts where they were born to nest. It is easy to tell when it is turtle season by watching the mother turtles move across the sand to excavate their nests, and in some areas of the world, hundreds will immediately appear to nest. A phenomenon known as arribada. The sea turtle nesting season brings the arrival of hundreds of olive ridleys, but here they are more dispersed If you see a mother building her nest during sea turtle nesting season, it is important to contact the green patrol 911. If the hundreds of eggs that the mother lays remain there, they are at risk of being laid or eaten by predators. The green patrol will help take them to a conservation camp where they can safely hatch for 45 days. It is important to know when the turtle season is and to keep your eyes open and locate nests built during the summer and fall.