Puerto Vallarta reported, for the second time this November, zero coronavirus infections and zero deaths from this disease this past Sunday.
The call of the Secretary of Health is to continue respecting now more than ever all the sanitary measures and protocols in order to continue controlling the disease in the PV area. The Jalisco Secretary of Health informed in its daily report of the coronavirus pandemic that, unlike what happens at a state level, in Puerto Vallarta the number of new infections and deaths due to coronavirus continues to fall. On Sunday, Salud Jalisco pointed out that 450 new cases of Covid-19 infections and 20 deaths due to SARS-covid-2 infection were reported in the state, none of which were registered in this tourist destination. This is the second time so far this month that Puerto Vallarta has reported zero infections and zero deaths, the first being last Monday, November 2.
Before that, Puerto Vallarta had reported on May 7th the same marker of zero infections and zero deaths, however on that occasion the pandemic had hardly taken hold in Puerto Vallarta and in the state of Jalisco in general. From that moment on and in the following months the numbers started to rise in May, June and July, which has been the worst month of all in Puerto Vallarta. Sinc then the numbers of infections and deaths have been decreasing. The Secretary of Jalisco calls for the respect of all sanitary measures and protocols to control the disease in the Port, as well as to avoid meetings and celebrations of all types, both in the halls, terraces, clubs and common spaces as well as at home.